Itay Katz


Patent Attorney

linkedin phone-icon +972-3-623-5000

Itay Katz is a registered patent attorney and a former senior PCT patent examiner at the Israeli Patent Office (IPO). He focuses on drafting and prosecuting patent applications in various fields including computer science, software, hardware architecture, cybersecurity, AI/VR models, electrical engineering, mechanics, renewable energy, medical devices, and communications among others. He also specializes in analyzing Office Actions from patent authorities around the world, drafting detailed and alternative interpretations and arguments to challenge rejections, and amending or drafting new patent claims when necessary.


Additionally, Itay has experience in various patent-related procedures such as Freedom to Operate (FTO) and Patent Due Diligence opinions, as well as providing clients with legal and technological advice on innovation, novelty, inventiveness, and potential competition.


B.Sc. in General Biology, Tel Aviv University (2009)
LL.M. (with specialization in IP and Patent Law), University of Haifa (2013)


Registered Patent Attorney (license no. 543) (2016)
Authorized Patent Examiner, Israel Patent Office IPO (2013)


