Sarit  Hauschner Raphael

Hauschner Raphael


linkedin phone-icon +972-3-623-5096

Sarit Hauschner Raphael, a partner in Naschitz Brandes Amir’s real estate practice, is a highly accomplished practitioner who provides invaluable advice to entrepreneurs, developers, and owners with respect to all stages of planning and execution of large-scale, complex real estate projects, including residential and commercial projects, combination transactions, National Outline Plan (TAMA38) projects, urban renewal projects (Pinui-Binui), and large purchasing groups' projects.


Sarit’s experience extends to advising entrepreneurs and private property owners on matters related to planning and zoning law, including the representation of clients before planning institutions, appellate committees, arbitral tribunals, and courts.


Furthermore, Ms. Hauschner Raphael has extensive experience advising on various aspects of real estate taxation, from tax planning, as part of structuring a transaction, to representing clients before tax authorities in pre-ruling procedures, tax assessments, and appeals.


Ms. Hauschner Raphael is a speaker and lecturer on matters of real estate law at various academic institutions. Due to her rich experience and expertise, Sarit is often invited to participate in discussions held by expert commissions and state authorities with respect to the formation and implementation of policies in the field of urban renewal.


Prior to joining Naschitz Brandes Amir in 2009, Ms. Hauschner Raphael was a senior practitioner at a leading real estate and planning & construction firm in Israel.


LL.B. (cum laude), Tel Aviv University (1995)


Israel (1996)


