News & Insights

New Database for Limiting Marketing Inquiries: An Overview of Amendment No. 61 to the Consumer Protection Law and Regulations


In January 2023, the implementation of Amendment No. 61 to the Consumer Protection Law of 1981 and the Consumer Protection Regulations (Repository for Limiting Marketing Inquiries) of 2022 came into effect. This amendment sets up a novel database that aims to limit marketing inquiries and delineate the obligations of dealers in this domain. The primary objective of this amendment is to safeguard susceptible groups from unwarranted persuasion; nevertheless, it is anticipated to have practical advantages for all consumers.


In this newsletter (in Hebrew), Nachitz Brandes Amir's Privacy & Data Protection partner, Dana Zigman Behrend, Commercial Litigation associate, Amit Neumann, and IT Privacy & Data Protection associate, Sarai Asulin, expound upon the measures implemented to protect consumer privacy, outline the lawful exceptions to the regulations, and furnish a compilation of frequently asked questions and answers pertaining to the topic.


If you wish to discuss these or other issues in detail, please reach out to any of the authors of this newsletter.

Naschitz Brandes Amir Team