News & Insights

New Regulations Regarding the Transfer of Personal Information to Israel from EEA


On May 7, 2023, the Protection of Privacy Regulations (Provisions Regarding Information Transferred to Israel from the European Economic Area), 5782 - 2023 (hereinafter referred to as "Regulations") were officially published in their final form.


The Regulations encompass four specific obligations for Israeli database owners (controllers) in relation to the transfer of personal information from the European Economic Area (EEA) to Israel. These obligations also apply to Israeli personal information if it is maintained in the same database as personal information originating from the EEA.


Furthermore, the Regulations amend the definition of "Sensitive Information" in relation to personal information transferred from the EEA.


If you are seeking additional information regarding these developments, a detailed newsletter (in Hebrew) has been prepared by Dalit Ben-Israel, Partner and Head of IT Privacy & Data Protection Practice, Dana Zigman Behrend, Partner in the Privacy & Data Protection Practice, and Sarai Asulin, Associate in the IT Privacy & Data Protection Practice at the firm. The newsletter can be accessed through this link.


For the English insight article published on OneTrust DataGuidance titled “Israel: New Privacy Protection Regulations on Data Transfers from the EEA-What You Need to Know,” where Dalit Ben-Israel breaks down the main provisions of the Regulations, including main rights and obligations, follow this link.

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